About Us

We initially started language, IT and Soft Skill Training Center named Entellus to impart the quality training or facilitate the aspirants to the job skills back in 2014.

Here at Entellus we dedicate to fostering new talent, counsel them, train them which has what it takes to make huge impact in mental, social, environmental, cultural, socio-environmental, socio-cultural and even unlocking the potential.

Entellus is No. 01 authorized Skill Development Center of the Bihar Skill Development Mission, Patna (Initiation of Government of Bihar) and Common Service Center (Initiative of Ministry of Electronics and IT) (MeiTY), Government of India.

We ensure that the students and citizens are well equipped with the necessary technical skills to meet global standards. We have developed a system and environment with the view to motivate the students to pursue their studies in a conductive manner. Entellus guides and promotes positive thinking, self- confidence and leadership amongst the students of the institute.

Entellus provides ample opportunities to the faculty staff, and students of the initiate for their professional development.